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Wellness Management and Recovery Curriculum

The Wellness Management & Recovery Program (an Ohio Coordinating Center of Excellence funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health) hired Heavy Content to edit, format and produce a 10-chapter training curriculum. Heavy Content was asked to bring a consistent voice to the entire curriculum - which was originally drafted by 10 different medical professionals - and to adjust the reading level to a high-school level. The curriculum also holds collateral handouts and projection displays, and is produced as a print edition or an indexed, searchable PDF file.

The curriculum uses different font treatments and icons to provide quick visual references for presenting instructors.

The curriculum kit includes tabbed dividers and a carrying case for the weighty binder.

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Contact Heavy Content at 614.638.5530 or bill.nordquist@gmail.com. Heavy Content provides marketing communications, graphic design, website development, public relations and social media management services for clients in Columbus and Central Ohio.

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